Heart of the Sea Ministries seeks to provide a GOSPEL CENTRIC avenue to connect to local missions, and international missions through different projects and initiatives based around the love of Jesus Christ.

Heart of the Sea Ministries seeks to be a PIONEER among the nations, EMPOWER the individual with tools for their mission, and UNITE communities through the love of Jesus Christ, the only one who can calm every storm, and rescue even the most lost wanderer who may have even found themselves deep in the heart of the sea.
Discipleship and accountability is one of our top priorities, especially in a world that is growing colder and colder. Also, technology. has provided access to resources in a plethora of different options. As Christ followers we should be known by our love, and not our accomplishments.
There are so many barriers to getting the Gospel to the nations and this is why we feel it is so important and effective to reach different nations by supporting the work and efforts of local, indigenous leaders and missionaries. Many of our projects and initiatives center around this concept.
World travel has advanced so much in just the past 50 years.
Getting to what used to be some of the most remote places on the planet is much easier today than ever before. The pandemic has certainly made things more complicated.

The name for Heart of the Sea ministries is derived from the scripture found in the ancient texts from the Bible in the book of Jonah.
Jonah 2
Jonah’s Prayer
From inside the fish, Jonah prayed to the LORD his God, saying: “In my distress I called to the LORD, and He answered me. From the belly of Sheol I called for help, and You heard my voice. For You cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the current swirled about me; all Your breakers and waves swept over me. At this, I said, ‘I have been banished from Your sight; yet I will look once more toward Your holy temple.’ The waters engulfed me to take my life; the watery depths closed around me; the seaweed wrapped around my head. To the roots of the mountains I descended; the earth beneath me barred me in forever! But You raised my life from the pit, O LORD my God! As my life was fading away, I remembered the LORD. My prayer went up to You, to Your holy temple. Those who cling to worthless idols forsake His loving devotion. But I, with the voice of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to You. I will fulfill what I have vowed. Salvation is from the LORD!” And the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.
Jonah 2 describes a man deep in the "Heart of Sea" and how he called out for God from the pit and God answered him. This is the main heart behind Heart of the Sea Ministries (HOTSM) and the idea that no matter how far we feel from God we can call out to receive His divine help and rescue. It is by God's grace and His grace alone we are rescued. Salvation is from the Lord! Some of us, like Jonah, have run from our God-given purpose, yet other times we may have involuntarily found ourselves in a pit like Daniel, who found himself in a den with lions as his roommates, or the three amigos who ended up in the fiery furnace because they were unwilling to bow at the feet of King Nebuchadnezzar.
Whichever situation we have found ourselves in we can and should call upon the Lord, for salvation comes from Him alone.
He will guide us through this journey of life into eternity, but the way is narrow and few will find it. We read of all these stories of men and women in the Bible who had a purpose and a call on their life. Each of our stories will be uniquely our own, but they should all at the core revolve around these two key principles:
Founders of Heart of the Sea Ministries
Maverick and Amy are full-time missionaries who have served on the foreign mission field in Asia, Africa, and are currently serving in America. In Asia, we had the privilege to work with college students and help introduce them to the gospel and do cultural exchanges. In Africa, we were blessed to be able to work with Kenyans as we helped operate and manage a children's home for abandoned, orphaned, and abused children. We love Jesus and His love is what compels us to love others wherever we go. It is these life experiences that have given us a very Global perspective, and a deep understanding of how a life truly lived for Christ must mirror His life which was one of sacrifice and praise to our Heavenly Father. Anything good we have, or have done or ever will do is simply because of God our Father's grace and mercy upon our lives, and for that we are eternally grateful!
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We have a Board of Directors as well as an Accountability board.
If you would like more information you can click here.